

(Editors note: Taken from MutantBrain. Excuse any typos in the game.)

Made by Tyler and Emily Garman for the #17th GMC JAM!

Controls: ‘WASD’ or Arrow keys to move, and use the mouse to interact with characters.
The goal of the game is to stop a murder from happening. You learn about the suspects and try to stop the murderer before a girl dies and you loop back in time.
The girl dies at exactly the time the two clocks on your HUD synchronize, and you get looped back.
I barely got the game playable in the four hours I had today to work on it.

I hope you like it, I personally like the isometric style, I’ve never worked with isometric stuffs before.
Protip: Just for fun, talk to Billy at the Mountain Man hamburger shop, he has some funny dialogue.
Topic on the (old) Game Maker Community Forum.
